How to Create Feng Shui in Your Living Space

Since the onset of the pandemic, the concept of making us feel at ease in our homes has taken over the interior design world. With this, we have seen individuals prioritise the flow of energy and the feelings that are invoked when designing their homes. From the rules set in place by feng shui to Japan’s traditional wabi-sabi and India’s ‘science of architecture’ (vastu shastra), the idea of filling our homes with positive energy now takes precedence as we continue to spend more time in our homes. 

Here are some ways you can use the rules set in place by feng shui to direct the energy in your spaces.

Clear Your Entryway

The entry to your home is often regarded as the way in which energy enters your space. Decluttering your entry can enhance the flow of energy and make it feel easy to move from room to room. You can also make this space more inviting by adding or removing decor. Follow suit with the decluttering of your entryway and throughout the rest of your home by making sure that your spaces are lit and bright. Switching out your lighting can enhance the energy in your entry and make your home feel warm and inviting. 

Let in Natural Light

In addition to using light bulbs to brighten your space, the addition of natural light is invaluable. Natural light is a cardinal component of feng shui as it is considered an important energy source. Items like sheer curtains and lighter fabrics can further encourage light to enter your home. The more natural light, the better.

natural light windows feng shui interior design

Bring the Outdoors in

The importance of natural light translates directly into bringing nature indoors. Greenery is a great way to create the calming feel of nature that feng shui aims to achieve. Living plants can bring vibrancy and grounding energy to your space. Be sure to consider your lighting when buying plants as well.

Flowers and vase interior design feng shui

Balance Your Home and Work Environments

As we continue to work from home, it is more important than ever to separate our home and work environments. As spaces where you live and work contain different energy flows, these physical spaces need to reflect this difference. For example, your bedroom can be made into a relaxing sanctuary by utilising spa-like practices such as soft lighting, plants, and aromatherapy. On the other hand, workspaces can be given commanding energy through desk placements and organisation. The concept of adhering to different energy flows can aid in boosting your productivity and improving mental health; further emphasising that feng shui is a balancing act. 

desk workspace separation feng shui interiors

Appreciate Your Spaces

The most important aspect of feng shui is to offer gratitude to your home. At the end of the day, our homes should be filled with items that bring us joy. Remember that your home is a shelter for resting and recharging. Appreciating all that your home does for you can further foster positive energy and create good feng shui.



1. A Swedish term which means "to add decorative details to your home".
2. Pronounced in English as At Pinta.